Seattle Courant Archive

Council Votes NO on the Annexation of North Highline

Council Votes NO on the Annexation of North Highline

By Keith Vance
February 09, 2009

No one wants the area because its where poor people live, said Mayor Nickels' spokesman Alex Fryer. He said that the mayor supports annexation, but it's not going to happen this year.

He's right. The Council voted 8 to 1 to not endorse the "memorandum of understanding."

The logic behind annexation of North Highline is that people living in the area rely on Seattle public services, such as the fire department, but they aren't actually residents of Seattle.

"We don't have agreement on the council," Council president Richard Conlin said. Conlin wanted to postpone the vote, but other members disagreed.

Councilmember Jan Drago said the Council has "clearly shifted on this issue" and is now just wasting "enormous resources," in terms of staff hours. "Let's be done with it."

Councilmember Tom Rasmussen doesn't support annexation, and he echoed Drago's sentiments. "Wouldn't it be better to put this matter to rest?"

Also prepared to vote no on annexation was Councilmember Bruce Harrell. He said that by postponing the vote indefinitely, he feels like the rug was pulled out from under him.

"I don't see a downside of having a vote," Harrell said. By postponing the issue, he said, it's like getting all dressed up for the party, you're ready to go, but you can't.

Well they did vote, and they voted no.

Read the agreement between Seattle and Burien.
Read the Seattle City Council Resolution 31108.

Correction: This story originally said the City Council postponed the vote, they did not, they voted 8 to 1 against.